Sunday, March 24, 2013

10- Video game effects on Relationships

          There are many factors in which can affect a relationship. Other people meddling in it, tasks you have to do, events and other circumstances.  In the Philippines, there is one other thing that not many may agree as to a factor that can affect a relationship. And that is a video game.

          There are many studies that proved that video games have affected relationships. There are many reasons as to why video games affect this. The most famous reason is that of the time spent by the gamer playing the game.

          According to Howard Brown in his article entitled "AreVideo Games Harming your Relationships?" video game addiction is one of the ten most common addictions in our society. And in every addiction you spend so many time in it, causing your time with others to lessen considerably.  Howard also said that symptoms of addiction included:
  • Spending several hours each day playing video games
  • Becoming defensive about the amount of time spend playing games, if confronted
  • Staying home from work to spend more time playing games
  • Neglecting friends, family, and significant others to play video games
          As he said, you tend to neglect your significant others and loved ones. Thus, it will affect the relationship and may actually end it.

          This got me thinking, since dating sims are sub categories of video games, won't it still have the same affect for those relationships that the gamer addicted to it have? Furthermore since it is kind of another relationship inside the game itself. Isn't it kind of worst than playing a normal relationship? Is it really a ground to end a relationship already?

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